Monday, February 4, 2013

50 Shades of Grey

50 Shades of Grey 
By: EL James

This book is a dark reflection of several different people. The act of BDSM or S&M isn’t really just some kinky thing some people are just “into”. It goes much deeper than that, and this book is a perfect example. Those who do practice these sorts of things feel embarrassed or scared. The fear of other people’s reactions scare them and they worry they will not be accepted. This book brings this sort of thing into light.

A lot of uneducated people would say that these sorts of people are weird or worship Satan or whatever else they can conjure up. The fact of the matter is, they say these things because they do not understand it. In this story Christian Grey feels he needs to be dominant because of how he was brought up. Even though the book doesn’t tell us exactly what happened in his past; it is not difficult to guess. He was abused as a younger child, he was never able to do anything he wanted to do, and mostly he has hidden rage for his mother. The fact that he feels the need to “punish” women isn’t just a sexual act. It is hidden in his subconscious mind because his mother did something to him to make him hate her. We all hear that men marry their mom. This is true; mothers set the example for their sons. A definition of what a woman and a mother should be. Not knowing any different, they set out to find just that. In cases like Christian’s, the opposite happened. He is upset with his mother; he doesn’t want another woman to treat him like that. So, he in essence he punishes every woman he comes across because it makes him feel better.  

In the book Ana tells Christian that he is messed up in the head and that he needs to get his life straight. This is not entirely false. However, there are things in life that cannot be undone. He is attracted to women, but the first woman in his life left him in a fragile state. He is unsure of how a woman should be because he wasn’t given a good example of one. It’s all psychological. Things like this carry into his sex life. Does that make it wrong? No. Many people find the art of pain and pleasure to be the best feeling they have ever had. They should embrace it and if Christian feels he doesn’t want to live that life anymore, he should get help. There are ways to overcome it, but at Christian’s age it will be difficult.

This book brought into light what really goes on behind closed doors. Christian didn’t want to hurt Ana that was not the intent. The intent was to show dominance by instilling fear. This just happens to be a turn on for a ton of people including Ana, the idea of not knowing what’s going to happen next. Maintaining the trust with your partner sets aside the fear telling you that you are going to get hurt. With everyone’s emotions carefully in place, it can be an exhilarating feeling.  

I loved this book and can’t wait to read the next one!

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