Monday, February 4, 2013

The Second Amendment

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The second Amendment of the United States of America Constitution states Constitution is very clear. I believe that back in during the times of the Constitution that it was important to make such a law. In those times you worked on a farm mostly, everyone had kind of the wild west type life style. Life is a little bit different now, however I do believe that one should be able to bear arms. Even though I personally do not like guns, I think that it is important that the citizens of the US feel safe.

My mom told me once when I was young that, “those who carry guns are those who keep the kind of company around them to make them feel the need to carry one.” I believe this is somewhat true. The fact of the matter is, you never know what is going to happen all the time. You may walk in on a situation where you feel having a fire arm will make you feel better and give you the upper hand. I don’t feel unsafe when I see someone walking around with a gun in a holster strapped to their side. I wonder sometimes what that person does every day to make him carry the weapon.

Here are my opinions on the matter of carrying guns. I do not think that Obama or anyone for that matter should be able to tell someone whether or not they are or are not allowed to carry/own a gun. I think that the Sandyhook incident is a tragedy that could have been prevented. Everyone is saying we need to get rid of the gun that’s what did it. The fact is that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Is anyone looking at the parents? Why was the gun able to be accessed by the children? When I was growing up my parents had different kinds of guns. But, they also made sure it was safe. They owned and still do own a gun safe. My stepdad likes to go hunting, but he also has a gun at his disposal in case of an intruder. However he keeps the safety on and it is kept away.

I don’t think that guns should be banned. I think that there should be different precautions and safety standards. For instance, I think that if someone wants to own a gun they must take a class on proper use/handle of the gun. I think they must own a gun safe. There are millions of people who own guns. Most of those people use them in the matter in which they were intended for. It is not their fault someone cannot handle the right, so it is not fair to take it away. I believe you should have a special permit/license given to you in the same way you would obtain a driver’s license. Before you are able to purchase the weapon, you must have taken a class and passed. From there you should be given a permit or a license to carry the weapon. So, when you go to a store to purchase the fire arm you have the permit and that would be the only way you are able to obtain one.

The people of America would much rather have something like that, than be told your rights are being taken away. It isn’t the gun that’s the problem, it’s the user.

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