Saturday, January 19, 2013

Being Gay


Today I want to talk about being GAY!!!! That’s right I said it GAY! Does that offend you? Well it shouldn’t and here is why:

Is being gay contagious: nope.

Could you die from gay people in the world getting married: nope

Do gay people have magical powers that will make the world self-destruct? Nope

Okay, then what the hell is the big deal? Let’s start off by addressing straight people.  If you follow the rules and don’t harm anyone else either directly or indirectly then you’re pretty much allowed to do whatever you want within reason.  Okay, and the laws that were created when America was first established pertained to mankind as a whole right? Okay just checking.  So both women and men have equal rights. So why are we able to deny a man or a woman the right to get married?  Whether it be another man or woman?

Let’s talk about religion. In the past twenty years of my life there have been several different kinds of missionaries that have approached me on the streets, at the mall, at the store and even at my home. They want to share their ways of life and tell you how implementing these simple rules in your life every day is better than what you are doing now.  Why? Because that’s what they believe! One particular religion even sets rules that tell you what you’re supposed to wear, what you can and cannot drink and in some cases eat. How to spend your Sunday and how many kids you should have.  That’s funny because I have heard the same speech time and time again come out of missionaries mouths, yet not once has a gay person approached me and told me that I should be gay and then proceed to give me a list of reasons why. In fact some gay people are even religious! That’s right they believe in the same God that you do. They follow the same rules they have the same belief system, except for one thing; they’re gay. Does that change the kind of person they are? No.

Being in America we get certain rights. America was made so no one would feel oppressed and controlled. Freedom to be whoever you want and do whatever you want, as long as you uphold the laws and regulations. Which by the way, were based off the Ten Commandments.  And while we’re talking about it I would like to point out that nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it say “Though shalt not be gay”.  So what’s the big deal? Just because you are so sprung off being straight does that mean that’s the right path for everyone? NOPE!

Being in America we have the opportunity and privilege to do and experience so many things because it’s a free country.  There are so many different cultures and religions and ways of life. So, I happen to be agnostic. I don’t have a “God” that I pray to or worship. But, do I still follow the same rules and laws everyone else does? Yes. Does it make me a bad person? No. Being agnostic means I believe in a higher power. Actually I believe in the Universe. The universe gives you what you need as long as you give back to it. Kind of cool isn't it? It’s just like karma.  So, I don’t believe in God. So do I knock on church door and tell them that they are wrong? No. And why is that again? Oh right… IT’S A FREE COUNTRY!!! So why is it that a gay person can’t get married and be gay? The answer to that is simple. You can be gay, but under straight people terms.

Let’s face it straight men love a good lesbian sex scene. Good old porn coming to the rescue again. The women in those videos, you know the hot lesbians? Those are actresses. Actually it’s a fact that lesbians come in many different shapes and sizes. Some can even be old enough to be your grandma. So women can be lesbians to please straight men, but they can’t be lesbians to please themselves? This is a little backwards here.  Time to rethink logic, but while you do that I am going to move on.

Recently several Americans mostly republicans are upset at the government. Why? Oh because Obama is thinking of putting a ban on guns. Which is upsetting right? Because isn't that the fourth amendment? Darn that’s a bummer. You don’t get to go hunting and live life how you want to. Well how do you think gay people feel? Probably a lot how you’re feeling right now, but you don’t care. You think gay people ill-moral-ed. Odd, I thought we covered how some of them have the exact same morals you do. And if you’re so upset about morals why aren't you restricting everybody else who has different lifestyles so they can’t do what they want to do? For some reason society just can’t take it. The idea of a man marrying a man, a woman marrying a woman, who cares? A Christian can marry a Muslim can’t they? So what’s the difference?

I myself, I am straight. I don’t feel threatened by gay people at all. But what I do feel is offended. How can society be so prejudice towards someone just for their sexual orientation? No wonder nothing ever gets done in this country, we’re too hung up over other people and what they’re doing.
One of my favorite arguments is, “I don’t want to see them being gay in public”. So not being married is going to stop a man from holding another man’s hand in public? Maybe they don’t like watching straight people hold hands. Or maybe they don’t even care. Like the rest of us shouldn't  It’s stupid focus on you and only you. Stop micromanaging gay people’s lives and let them get married already. It literally doesn't affect you at all.

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