I just watched the movie Stigmata today and it really got me
thinking. For those who do not know stigmata is when “Jesus like” afflictions
or wounds present themselves on the body without a logical explanation. These wounds would be the thorn like cuts
around the head, holes through the wrists and feet, whip marks on the back and
finally the spear through the side. I also learned that during Jesus’ time they
crucified people by nailing them through their wrists, not their hands. So,
most pictures of crucified Jesus are wrong. Famous Holy men reported to have
such markings are St. Francis of Assisi year 1214 and Pio of Pietrelcina in the
early 1900’s. These markings are said to remind people of why Jesus died.
I did a little
research on it and discovered why the Virgin Mary crying blood is significant to
stigmata. This is said to be directly related to the stigmata because she gave
up her son for our sins. Sometimes we forget that and lose sight of God and
Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sins so we are forgiven. So, we should use
that as our one “get out of jail free card” and be good for ever and ever,
I find this rather interesting. For two reasons, one being
that the word for given back in the time of Jesus didn’t mean I forgive
mistake. For example, if you say something hurtful and mean to your mother and
afterwards you realized you were being cruel you would say, “I’m sorry”. She in
turn would respond with, “It’s okay I forgive you”. This is how we use the word
today. In fact during Biblical times it was used rather as another form of the
word “write-off”. For example, when you go to the emergency room and you get a
bill and it’s thousands of dollars. Say you pass away before being able to finish
paying it off. That would be considered forgiven debt. It was in fact that way
that God means “forgiven”.
What I don’t understand is that if Jesus was God’s only son,
then why would he sacrifice him for us? Why not just forgive us and allow Jesus
to continue with his teachings? Probably because the reason Jesus was crucified
to begin with was because of the law back then. But still why not save his son
who apparently did nothing wrong and just forgive us? Was it to teach us a
lesson? Because the only lesson I can try and fathom is that even if you follow
the word of God and do everything exactly how God would won’t it, you’re
screwed anyways. Another lesson I can understand from the crucifixion is that
don’t worry about what you do because it doesn’t matter how many times you sin.
God forgives because Jesus has already paid for your debt.
Personally I don’t believe in this religious stuff, but I
have a feeling that if I had, I wouldn’t really understand any of this crap. I
think that maybe next time the lessons and teachings we’re supposed to take
away from these stories should be a little clearer. Thanks!
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