Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thoughts of 1/8/2013

January 8th, 2013

Why I Hate Women:

When I was younger I never really got along with girls. I just realized why not too long ago when I saw the movie Mean Girls. What this movie taught me is that most women are what I like to call stereotypical women which are bitches. They're rude, self-centered parasites. When you are at the mall and you see three women together having "girl time" one over weight  than they others, one less attractive than the others and one seemingly normal. It is true in ever single nature that all women want to think that they are more attractive than the one standing next to them. That being said; there is a reason these three people flock together. 

Let's start with the one being a little heavier than the rest. Now everyone knows that every woman is self conscious about their weight. Even those that are skin and bones will say they are fat. For one of two reasons. One, they like hearing that they aren't fat so when they say "I feel so fat" others will say "Are you kidding me?!?! You're so skinny!" This comes off as a compliment one of the millions women require to hear daily to keep their self esteem at point. The second reason they would say they are fat would be because they actually think they are over weight. Which brings me back to my main point... Women who struggle with weight issues have lower self esteem, so often times such as in the "mean girl" ways, they will hang out with the more popular kids. Being accepted helps their self esteem which makes them of course feel better about themselves. They hang around women who struggle with other problems so that they can tell themselves literally "I may be over weight but you're ugly and I can go on a diet." When I say ugly I mean ugly in two ways. One being literal and one referring to their personality. Now being the "heavier" friend does something for the other friends in their group.

The one that is less attractive meaning average in size with nothing else to offer the world as far as looks go is the middle person. She is kinda stuck in the I'm not over weight I'm normal looking and at least I am not over weight. This person is probably the smartest of the three.

Now, the third person is probably the leader of the group. This girl is drop dead gorgeous and probably has the most money. She of course gains the most out of the "friendship". She is the Hitler of cheerleaders. She doesn't actually care about anyone's feelings. She keeps the heavier girl around to remind her that she is attractive. She keeps the smarter girl around to use at her disposal so that she can be unstoppable. 

That being said, I have to say that while I was in High School there wasn't anyone that was "the most popular girl". It's kind of ridiculous. Because reality T.V. today expresses the idea that you have to be hot and have money to get anywhere in life. Kids are watching these T.V. shows and movies and thinking that they have to starve themselves and wear revealing clothes to get what they want in life. If these fake life styles continue to air on television... one day this is going to actually be reality. Women already struggle with accepting and loving themselves. Why do we have to brain wash young girls into thinking that they are not good enough? Because of this teens get bullied and told because of their flaws. But who defines flaws? Who is the one to say that just because you aren't as pretty as the girl sitting next to you means that you have to settle? And who is the judge to say who is pretty and who isn't??? Some men would say what stereotypical women would say are the least attractive to be the most attractive. 

What cracks me up the most is that in most movies such as Mean Girls the "mean girl" always goes down by the end of the film. So why is it that girls strive to be this fictional character? They put other girls down because they are insecure about themselves. Which makes me laugh because you may be the most beautiful person in the world, but if you have a disgusting attitude and personality then you are no longer beautiful at all.

I guess this all comes down to one thing and that is beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And I think that movie makers shouldn't capitalize on self esteem issues. Believe it or not but these ideas are making women even more corrupt. We are forced to uphold the idea that we are supposed to be the most attractive, we have to have a certain boob to ass ratio and if we don't then we will spend the rest of our lives alone forever. Which is BULL SHIT!!!! Be yourself because that's all you can be. Don't waste your life trying to uphold some fake standard. Because if you do then you really will end up alone because no one really tells the rest of the story about Barbie and Ken. Barbie ends up the lonely crazy cat women because she divorces Ken because he is a drunk and his glory days were only during high school football.

As incomplete and scatterbrained as my thoughts are this is what I came up with today.... Obviously not publishable anywhere else... but maybe one day someone will...

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